Innovative Practices
Following are the major software projects developed by students under the guidance of mentors:
- FMNYGO App (Finding Match Near You)
- Automated Identification of Fish Species (Auto-FIS)
- Feature Selection Framework for High Dimensional Data
- Connect to Blood (Blood Bank Management System with Emergency Blood Locator)
- Stock Analyzer and Predictor
- Machine Learning for Crop Yield Prediction
- Crop Disease Prediction
- DevSay: A Platform to Interact with other Developers
- College-Kit: Personalized Campus Social Media application
- Android Based Jewellery Mobile Application
- Recovery of Bitcoin Application from a Region Failure using Public Cloud "Azure"
- Segmentation Technique for Identification of Infection in Lungs
- Tourist Behavior Analysis
- Food Wastage management
- Safe Keeper App
- Eye / Facial Gesture System Controller Based on AI/ML
- AI Based Recommendation System
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- ISA: The Document Scanner App
- Google Play Store Sentiment Analysis
- Sales Insights
- Drug Recommendation System
- Sign Language to Text
- Recruitment Assistance Web App
- Examination Cell Automation Web App
- E-voting System using Blockchain
- Global E-Communication using Android platform
- Implementation of DES encryption and decryption algorithm
- Life saver App
- Implementation of Robot task assignment given resources using MATLAB
- Similarity in android applications by GUI feature extraction
- Road map for career using Joomla
- Ensuring data storage in Cloud Computing