Innovent is the group of the students in Mechanical & Civil Department which was inaugurated on 14th March, 2012.
Objectives of Group:
1)To enhance the students growth both academically and professionally to achieve higher standards.
2) Increase awareness of the recent advances, discoveries in engineering and technology, career opportunities in the engineering.

3)To promote Team-Work.
4)To develop & improve various skills like technical knowledge, aptitude, communication skills, presentation skills, organizational skills, General awareness etc. which is essential for an engineer in professional world.
5) Its main objective is overall personality development of students.
6)The aim of the Group is to motivate the students to organize, to coordinate & to participate in Co-curricular Activities and Extra Curricular Activities along with their regular Academic Activities.
7)Several thought provoking competitions such as Paper presentation, Project Presentation, Poster presentation, Quiz, Tech Debates and much more are to be conducted at regular intervals, Since inauguration, it has conducted various technical and non technical events, organized industrial tours and actively conducted social events as well. With its debut this year at Antarnaad'14, it has proved its mettle and is all keyed up to give many more spectacular performances. The group has organized Debate competition, General Quiz, Memory mania, Car Check Camp, Montage Fun, Mimic Act, AD MAD,etc in academic year 2013-14.
Image Gallery
Notice Board
- Guidelines for Seminar
- Practical Summer Training Schedule
- Seminar Topics Even 2018 19
- Guidelines for Industrial Training
- Previous year seminar topics
- Industrial visits organized
- Innovent Group
- Project Report Sample
- Project Templates Previous Years
- Project Guidelines Project Diary Project Report Format
- Software Training Conducted
- Sports Activities
- Cultural Activities
- Seminar Sample Report
- Seminar Sample PPT
- Industrial Training Sample Report
- Industrial Training Sample PPT